
Showing posts from March, 2022


​ A 50 yr old male came to casuality with complaints of fever since 3days and vomitings since 3 days . Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back then he had    intermittent fever    which is insidious in onset not associated with cold and cough and relieved with medications and vomitings since 3 days after eating food and food as content    , non projectile, non bilious . No h/o loose motions , burning micturition , dyspnea , headache , darkstools , bleeding from gums . k/c/o DM since 6 years on medication metformin 500 mg  K/c/o HTN since 3 years not on regular medication and patient does not know the name of medication  Family history : not significant  Personal history : Diet : mixed                                    Appetite : normal      H/o alcohol intake daily 90 ml from 10 yrs . O/E : pt is c/c/c No pallor , cyanosis , clubb...


​    18 yr   old female patient came with c/o diffuse pain abdomen since 2 weeks  C/o    vomitings since 5 days  C/o    loose stools since 2 days  C/o Fever on and off since 1 week  HOPI: patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 weeks back then she had diffuse abdominal pain after eating hostel food (5 other people also had similar complaints ) treated conservatively  From 5 days pt had increased intensity of pain in the lower abdomen- colicky type , intermittent , not radiating to back, sudden in onset    pain not relieving on taking medication and associated with vomitings  Vomitings - since 5 days (15-20 episodes ) Non bilious , non projectile , food as content .  Loose stools from 2 days - watery in consistency , no blood in stools  Fever on and off since 1 week not associated with chills and rigors  Past history : not a k/c/o DM , HTN, Asthama , Epilepsy , TB , Thyroid .  O/E: pt is c/c/c...